Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Sang Eun Baek / Informative speech - life of a mayfly / Wednesday 11-1 pm


  1. The great point in her presentation is that she doesn't watch her script at all. I think she practiced many times. Her topic is fresh and the reason why she choose the topic as a mayfly is interesting. Her tone is nice and speech speed is fine. But she frequently stares into the air. It could be better if she makes more interactions with audiences. Such as eye contacts and question and answers. Except that, she did excellent presenting.

  2. Overall, her speech was good. I really liked how she proceeded with her presentation without looking at her notes at all. Frankly speaking, there was nothing that hindered me from learning many things about her topic. The speech was well-prepared. However, it could have been better had Sang Eun interacted with the audience more often and stopped staring into the air. Other than that, she gave a pretty good speech.
