Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Teo Kim/Informative speech/Presenting in English/Wed 1-3PM


  1. His visual aid was very well organized. I liked how he used hand gestures to explain some important points. Overall, his speech contained many great information and I could tell that he did a lot of research. It would have been better if he relied less on his notes and kept his body still. 김윤지-Wed. 1PM

  2. Eunwoo Kim 201300729 Presenting in English, Wed 11-1pm

    -What strong points does the speaker already have?
    He kept smiling. It made a soft atmosphere which made the audiences to be relax and comfortable to listen.

    -How well did the audience get the information?(I changed the question since it is a informative speech.)
    His topic was about how to get a scholarship from KOSAF, which was really beneficial information to university students.
    He used website as a visual aid to show how to use it and apply for the scholarship. In terms of using the material, it was helpful to understand the topic, but he should have added more specific details such as how to apply for the scholarship exactly, what is the process, so how should he prepare for that. It was a good topic, but hard to say it was a perfectly informative because of the way it was delivered.

    -Did the speech reflect adequate preparation?
    He used a visual aid, but it seemed like he couldn't practice a lot. He spoke fillers many times and mumble quite a lot. He laughed or his audiences laughed whenever he made mistakes, and that distracted me to listen to his presentation. I could see he was trying to show the visual aid well, but he was kind of unskilled to used it and it seemed like he didn't memorize the script because he kept looking at a little screen, so he couldn't make eye contact with the camera or audiences.

    -Did the speaker talk clearly and audibly?
    His voice was loud and clear enough to listen, but he kept stoping making a full sentence but kept changing it, and that wasn't helpful to make a clear speech. At the beginning of the speech his voice was monotone so I was sorry about it.

    -Did the speech have a definite opening, body, and conclusion?
    It was divided into three parts which are "why he wanted to talk about scholarship, how to join the website and what they should do to get a scholarship".
    However, it is weak to say the speech have a definite opening, body and conclusion, especially the conclusion part.

    -Please comment on the speaker’s use of notes.
    He didn't hold a note, but had a little monitor with a script on it. He kept reading the script on the monitor and it distracted me to focus on the presentation because I could not make eye contact with him through the video.

    -What could the speaker have done differently that would have improved the speech?
    If he practiced a lot to remember, at least the structure of the speech, he would be able to make a better speech. It also would be much better if he were more serious before this assignment. Smiling is good, but if you just laugh a lot, that lowers the quality of the speech.

    -What did you like about the presentation?
    He asked questions to audiences such as "You guys know about the certificate?" so that the presenter and audiences could interact each other.
