Wednesday, April 29, 2015

김윤지.Yunji Kim/ Informative Speech/ Wed. 1PM

1 comment:

  1. Eunwoo Kim 201300729, Presenting in English , Wed 11-1pm

    -What strong points does the speaker already have?
    The way she gave her presentation was calm and soft, so it was comfortable to listen.
    She sticked to one spot without moving a lot so it was good to concentrate, while a lot of other presenters moved around because they were nervous.

    -How well did the audience get the information?(I changed the question since it is a informative speech.)
    In my opinion, people would get the information about coffee well because she explained well by structuring.

    -Did the speech reflect adequate preparation?
    Yes, I could see her speech was well prepared because she structured how to explain about coffee. She also used visual aids which tell you about how to extract a espresso shot. It was a good choice that she used a video to explain about the way to extract coffee, instead of saying a lot of words to explain the processes.

    -Did the speaker talk clearly and audibly?
    Her voice was okay to listen, but it was too soft to listen. I thought the tone of the voice was good because it was calm, but because it became too calm at the middle of the speech, so it became depressed and she looked like no confident.

    -Did the speech have a definite opening, body, and conclusion?
    She divided the whole speech into three parts: how to extract a cup of espresso from roasted beans, explain about the coffee menus and how to make them and interesting tips about drinking coffee. But I am not sure if she made a definite opening, body and conclusion because I think the conclusion should include closing remarks, summary, or/and so on.

    -Please comment on the speaker’s use of notes.
    She looked the screen first, had eye contact with audiences, and looked at the notes. She used notes to remind her the structure of the speech, which was proper.

    -What could the speaker have done differently that would have improved the speech?
    It would be better if she used her hand gesture sometimes and put hands next to her legs naturally, instead of keeping them behind her waist.
    It would be helpful if she smiled more to be shown confident and she should have distributed eye contact more. Her eyes matched with the camera or screen often, not to the audiences.

    -What did you like about the presentation?
    I liked the topic so much. They were good tips to know when I drank coffee. I thought that hotter steamed milk was better than just warm, but according to her tips, it was not true. Also, I liked she used rhetorical questions well. I could see she interacted with the audience, not enjoying the speech by herself.
