Monday, March 30, 2015

201503374 Choi Myenggil Presenting1 Wed 5,6


  1. Overall, her speech was great. I really liked how she effectively made use of her visual aids to deliver her messages to the audience and constantly spoke with confidence. Frankly speaking, there was nothing that hindered me from learning many things about her life experiences and goals. The speech was well-prepared as it had a definite opening, body, and conclusion. She also made many eye-contacts with the audience. However, the speech would have been better had Myenggil actually memorized the entire speech of hers and not looked at her notes most of the time. Other than that, it was a great speech.

  2. I agree with KangSeungJin's comments. She prepares many visual aids and her clear voice gives me a good impression. And her pronunciation is neat. So i can easily hear and enjoy her speech. As expected, Myenggil's presentation is nice.
    There are nothing to point out. Good speech^^
