Sunday, March 29, 2015

Kim Chae Erne/Ice breaker- fears and hopes/Wednesday period 1,2


  1. I think this speech was especially well-organized. She starts by describing herself as a bold person, reveals her fears, and finally her hopes. The consecutive array of ups, downs and then ups again, and the relevant examples that detail each points keep the audience in focus and enthusiasm of what's coming next.
    Comment by: Jung Youna from 11 a.m. class

  2. Comment by Eunwoo Kim (Wed 11am-1pm)

    1. What strong points does the speaker already have?
    She is really fluent in speaking English. She knows how to make a proper sentence in English which is a great skill to have.

    2. How well did the audience get to know the speaker?
    According to her speech, people usually thought that she was the one who wasn't afraid to talk in front of people.
    But through her presentation, they could learn that she is reluctant to speak in front of many people. And she isn't afraid of bugs, she even can slap a spider if it appears in her room, even though she looks so girly in my eyes. She said that she has been afraid of water since she was 6 years old and shared her own memory that made her to be afraid of it. The audience could know her well through listening to her personal memory. She said that one of her biggest fear is failure. She described, specifically, her fear about failure as a monster and accounted for failure. I could feel that how much terror she has on it, and I bet the audience also felt in a same way.

    3. Did the speech reflect adequate preparation?
    She did an excellent job on her presentation! But it would be much better if she used a visual aid.

    4. Did the speaker talk clearly and audibly?
    She talked clearly and audibly but in the middle of the presentation, the audio's condition of the video file was not that great. So the sound became small suddenly and it came back at some point.

    5. Did the speech have a definite opening, body, and conclusion?
    She started opening pretty well, and smoothly moved on to a body. But I think it would be much better if she organized her presentation more. In opening, she said she would talk about fears and hope, but I think they are quite abstract. It would be so much better if she gave more information about the topic in the opening. And for the conclusion, she just said closing remark and expressed thankfulness toward the audience, but it would be much better if she showed her conclusion more by summarizing her whole presentation and give a concluding idea. But her body was good.

    6. Please comment on the speaker's use of notes.
    She used her notes well. Most of time she tried not to look at it and tried to make an eye contact with the audience. But she sometimes check the note when she could not remember the content of her presentation, which was okay.

    7. What could the speaker have done differently that would have improved the speech?
    As I mentioned earlier, it would be much better if she used a visual aid and organized her presentation more.

    8. What did you like about the presentation?
    First of all, I liked her topic for the presentation. It was an interesting topic and it showed about her well. Beginning the body of the presentation, she started by asking a question, "What kind of person are you?". I think that was a great start! What I was impressed about was how she overcome her fear through hope. She said that she was being afraid of failure but when she thinks of hope conquering her dream, she can overcome the fear. I was so excited to hear that.
