Sunday, March 29, 2015

Jee Woo Cheon/Posting Speeches and Commenting on the Blog/Wed 56)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Comment by HwangHyelin

    Her strong point is that she is fluent in English. Through this speech, the audience get to know her family members, her life moto and extra things. She talks clearly and audibly and she hardly ever look at notes. The speech have a definite opening, body, and conclusion but a conclusion part is little bit short. If her speech was longer then now, It could be the perfect speech I've ever seen. Lastly, she speaks with confidence and I really like her attitude.

  3. Comment by Eunwoo Kim (Wed 11am-1pm)

    1. What strong points does the speaker already have?
    She is greatly fluent in speaking English. Her pronunciation is very excellent and the words flow together well.

    2. How well did the audience get to know the speaker?
    She shared her family background and experiences abroad. So the audience could know what kind of background she was grown up in. The audience could get to know her more through her presentation about her background, inspiration and ambition.

    3. Did the speech reflect adequate preparation?
    Actually, I am sorry about the point. She used many fillers and the way she looked her note, it seemed like she wasn't able to practice a lot and prepare more, in my opinion. I felt like she was making sentences during the presentation, not speaking the prepared presentation.

    4. Did the speaker talk clearly and audibly?
    Yes, she did! Since she was so fluent in speaking in English, she talked very clearly and audibly.

    5. Did the speech have a definite opening, body, and conclusion?
    She had an opening and a body but I couldn't recognize her conclusion well. After explaining about her background, inspiration and ambition, she ended her presentation saying "Thank you for listening" only. It would be so much better if she organized her presentation more. At the beginning she said she is going to talk about her background, inspiration and ambition, however it was kind of hard to divide them since they were said together on same footing. For example, "I want to start by telling you my background and then I want to tell you what is my inspiration. And finally, I would like to talk about my ambition." And it also will be greater if she adds some summary of the presentation, a concluding idea, closing remarks in the conclusion part.

    6. Please comment on the speaker's use of notes.
    She used her note well. She tried to give the presentation without it and just consulted it when she couldn't remember the content.

    7. What could the speaker have done differently that would have improved the speech?
    Her presentation was great overall, but she will be able to improve her speech if she doesn't touch her hair and stop shaking her body around and leaning on one foot. She usually looked on the air to try to remember what she had memorized, but it would be so greater if she made more eye contact with the audience.

    8. What did you like about the presentation?
    It was good to hear how the experiences she had abroad affected her dream. I also could see how wonderful mind-set she has that she wants to help make others' lives more valuable and contribute her life to whole society. It was interesting to listen to her moto, which was YOLO, "You Only Live Once". That moto inspired me while I was listening the presentation. It was a good stimulation for me.
