Saturday, March 28, 2015

Eunwoo Kim/ Speech "My 2014" (Presenting in English) / Wed 11am-1pm


  1. Kim Chae Erne 201500878 WED P1,2March 31, 2015 at 11:35 PM

    Title: My 2015 evaluation
    Evaluator: Kim Chae Erne 201500878 WED P1,2
    Date: Tuesday, March 31, 2015

    What strong points does the speaker already have?
    Eunwoo's steps of presentation was clearly standard. She followed classroom guidelines perfectly. In other words, Eunwoo's speech structure is solid.
    She succeeds in grasping the attention, dividing the speech, and keeping the speech on the track.
    Her means of transfer, both voice and visual aids, is adequate and supports her presentation well.

    How well did the audience get to know the speaker?
    Though I sit with her in the course, I never knew what made her visit the States.
    I got to know about her ambitions and experiences better via Eunwoo's presentation.

    Did the speech reflect adequate preparation?
    She relies rarely on memory aids, yet her presentation does not fail one moment.
    The links of her contents are natural, which prevents confusion.
    It is clear in her speech that she followed every steps in composing her presentation. Eunwoo must have spent a quantity time to accomplish her piece of work.

    Did the speaker talk clearly and audibly?
    More to the clarity and volume, confidence played a role in her transfer.

    Did the speech have a definite opening, body, and conclusion?
    Eunwoo's presentation has strong opening, body and conclusion.
    The division is so clear it is impossible for the audience to miss it.

    Please comment on the speaker’s use of notes.
    I cannot imagine how much effort she has put to not be anxious even without the notes.

    What could the speaker have done differently that would have improved the speech?
    Maybe the subject of her presentation could be a different one next time, but I do not have any advice.

    What did you like about the presentation?
    I was impressed by the organisation of Eunwoo's presentation.
    It was weaved so naturally yet perfectly followed its guidelines.
